Research Proposal

Chigoziri Ene 

Writing for the Sciences 

Professor Zayas 

Research Proposal 

Mar. 30, 2023


Topic : Health impacts of objectifying women 


Claim : As a result of objectification, women’s sexual health and lifestyle are negatively impacted. A woman’s pleasure and needs are usually not prioritized in sexual interactions, which increases a woman’s susceptibility to Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). In addition to this risk factor, there are physiological factors such as depression that inadvertently impact a woman’s physical health, through illnesses such as Alcoholism.



  •  Objectification is a dehumanizing practice that views a person (woman) as an object to be used to either satisfy one’s sexual needs or rated for the quality of their physical appearance. Self – objectification is when a woman internalizes this message. 
  • The prevalence of objectification, particularly sexual objectification, in our society places the given that a woman is inferior to a man is left with little to no control over her body. Which results in the reality of the constant fear of men, rape, unwanted pregnancies, and STIs 
    • All of which impact a woman’s physical health in addition to the psychological stresses. 


What’s different? : Additional peer reviewed sources that help expand on the physical health impacts of objectification. 


Why is this important? : This research holistically illustrates the difficulties of being a woman. Through this illustration, we hope to further bring awareness to this matter and insight change that will allow a woman to simply exist and be free. Hopefully, creating a reality of healing and justice in all aspects (Cultural, Societal, etc.). 


What do I still need to know? : Due to a lack of research on physical health impact, it’s a bit tricky to gather a lot of sources. But ideally I would like to know the STI rates of women compared to men, Common reported reason of contracting an STI amongst women, The link between the increase in women’s alcohol consumption and their safety in public places such as the club, and Stigmas concerning STIs and their significance when gender comes into play. 


Possible Source: 

  • Baildon, E. A., Eagan R. S., Christ C. C.,  Lorenz T., Stoltenberg F. S.,  Gervais J. S., (2021). The Sexual Objectification and Alcohol Use Link: The Mediating Roles of Self-Objectification, Enjoyment of Sexualization, Body Shame, and Drinking Motives. Springer Nature. Sex Roles (2021) 85:190–204